Electrical Cable Tester: A Guide to Proper Usage


For the sake of every home’s safety, it’s essential that you have your cables tested. A faulty cable can do so much damage, and it can eventually lead to some of your devices malfunctioning, or it can even start a huge fire, destroying everything you own in the process. Luckily, there are devices that can test cables to see whether they are faulty or not, so you can replace the faulty ones on time and save yourself from thousands of dollars from damages.

Electrical Cable Tester

Cable testers are hand-held devices that are used to make sure your electrical connections function properly. To use one, you have to connect the tester to the cable and then use the buttons on the tester to run various tests. It will then give you feedback with indications whether or not the cable is in a healthy condition.

It’s very important to run tests on cables that you are just installing whether it’s for a new telephone or computer network, in order to make sure the new cable is properly installed. Furthermore, testing all of your cables once in a while is also recommended in order to ensure the safety of your home.

An electrical cable tester is mostly used to check whether or not a cable is working, moreover, when people use one, they are usually looking for one of two things – intended and unintended connections. The electrical cable tester can confirm that an intended connection exists between two points. And if the intended connection is missing, it’s usually said that it has an open circuit. On the opposite side, a tester can be used to detect whether there are any unintended connections running between two points. When one is found, it’s called a short circuit.

Like every other physical piece of electronic equipment, cables are very vulnerable to a lot of physical wear and tear. Over the years, the insulation inside can dry out, eventually cracking and becoming brittle. Cables exposed to bad weather conditions and water will also not perform very well. Improper installation can also damage the insulation and cause damages.

There are specific cable testers for multiple cables and there are testers that can do various tasks. For example, audio cable testers are great for sound technicians and musicians to ensure all electrical equipment is intact. A network cable tester is used for computer, telephone and other cables related to communication. These testers aside from looking for faults, can ensure the data is flowing properly through the cable. Both of these types of cables run on batteries, thus, you should always ensure the batteries are fully charged before you set out to do any testing, to make sure you get the most accurate results.