The Dancing Journey – Top Confidence Tips for Total Beginners


Whether your stage is a dance floor at some social event or a street corner, learning how to dance can be quite scary in the beginning. From deciding on the dance style that you want to explore and the kind of apparel you want to wear to finding some good songs to dance on and someone you can learn from – all of it can be quite a challenge. For that very reason, if you are just starting on this journey, it is worth bearing in mind some basic pieces of advice so that you start dancing off the right foot. Here are some of the things I wish I had known as a total beginner.

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Get Your Dance Pants On

Many of us make it one of our goals to learn how to dance one day, but how many actually make it to a dance studio for that dreaded first class? To make the fear of looking ridiculous smaller, at least wear your dance pants Australia dance professionals advise. Depending on the style of dances you will be performing, there is a variety of models you can choose from. There might be some specific dancewear requirements at your studio, so make sure to check with your instructor first before you shop from any dance pants Australia based store.

No, You Won’t Look Stupid

Moving your body in front of strangers, especially when you are insecure as to what exactly you are doing can be terrifying and can bring out some of your worst insecurities. But the thing is, many people don’t realize at first that dancing classes are usually divided into levels. So yes, there are classes for absolute beginners just like you, who have never danced before in their lives. Phew, right? It’s very likely that you won’t be the only one with two left feet there.

Feel the Rhythm

No matter your dance style, the basic part of dancing as a beginner is to understand the rhythm so that your steps fall on the right beat. It might take you a while to get it, but once you do it, it will be a milestone you’ll be proud of. There are two ways you can help yourself get to this phase – you can listen to the music of the style that you want to learn when you are not dancing, or you can repeat the most basic steps hundreds of times before you find synergy. The thing is, the more you listen, the more you will understand the difference between the different patterns or percussion and different instruments, which will eventually become like a map for your once-upon-a-time two left feet.