Whether you are running in the park after the sun has set, walking home late from work, or are on an overnight camping trip with your friends, it can be pretty scary in the dark if you don't have any source of illumination. And what better way to ensure...
magnetic rotary encoder
In mechatronics and automation, motion control is employed to ensure production satisfies predetermined requirements. The programs these machines follow are applied in automation processes of varying complexities (from everyday production lines to complex nanotechnology). A lot of components can potentially be included in such processes.
Ergonomically Designed Keyboard
With more and more people using computers for so many hours on a daily basis keyboard manufacturers are now adding warnings attached to the equipment to warn people against prolonged use. Typing on a regular keyboard for long periods of time is known to lead to discomfort, fatigue and...
There are many sorts of 3D printer filaments out there and each of them would be a perfect fit for a certain type of item and completely impractical for other. This large range of filaments with different advantages and characteristics makes it impossible to decide which is the “best”...


Infuse Your Home with Contemporary Charm: 5 Stylish Furniture Pieces

Contemporary residences ooze boldness and style and that’s what makes them so aesthetically pleasing. Contemporary interior design mixes shapes, textures, and colours that are...