Front Screen Doors: Protect Your Castle with Style


If your home is a castle, then your entrance should be like a drawbridge; an impressive structure that serves both an aesthetic purpose and a security one. And let’s admit, though we are truly concerned about our well-being and that of our loved ones, we are suckers for attractive wooden or glass doors. So, more often than not, we tend to end up with an eye-catching door that manages to catch not only our neighbour’s attention, but that of potential burglars as well.


But don’t despair and give up on your gorgeous door just yet. When it comes to increasing your home’s security, front screen doors are a convenient and foolproof option. They allow your door to maintain its attractive look and at the same time present a strong, impenetrable barrier deterring intruders. And with the advancement of technology today, you can have your screen door customized to your specific needs – with the option of choosing the type of mesh, the colour and adding additional features such as door closes and bottom bug seals.

Although it might seem like an easy decision, you shouldn’t jump into this purchase head first. Giving it a great deal of thought and exploring your options will ensure that you’ll get the right amount of home protection. Remember, for a screen door to be considered good for security, it needs to complete all the relevant Australian standards. Independent laboratories like NATA are the leading authorities on front screen doors that perform tests and provide assurance that a product has the required technical competence. Check whether a manufacturer stocks NATA approved front screen doors.

Besides passing the necessary tests, a good screen door should also fulfil other criteria. For instance, considering hinged screen doors, it’s incredibly important that the door includes a three-point locking system and an additional three hinges. On the other hand, when it comes to sliding screen doors, it’s wise if the there’s a proper deadlock and the door interlocks on the opposite side. Again, the locks should also fulfil the relevant Australian standards.

Most front screen doors are made of steel, aluminium, or some kind of metal alloy. They all are very good impact resistant materials, however they all have their own properties. For instance, aluminium and metal alloys are usually weaker than steel, so the door’s frames must be made wider in order to compensate and gain the necessary strength. However, opposed to steal, aluminium doors are less prone to rust. But if you’re considering a steel door, by cleaning it regularly and coating it with powder you can prevent the signs of rust.

All in all, a security door is a good decision when you’re living in a place such as Australia. Australia might be a generally safe country with a low crime rate, but there are lots of creatures that would love to get inside your home. Your security door can close and conveniently seal out bugs while still letting in a refreshing amount of air. No pesky flies, mosquitoes or dangerous scorpions can sneak in if you make a good pick.